The Stalwart

Entrepreneurs In Sports



Josh Cunningham, Founder of On Deck, a non-profit organization, after seeing the growing number of teen violence within the City of Toledo decided the violence was too dismal for him to stand by and do nothing. He decided to use the model of Earn Your Stripes, a curriculum based on STEM and STEAM components, to provide another outlet for students between the ages of 8 – 18 years old.  
Mr. Cunningham was awarded a grant through the City of Toledo’s Parks and Recreation Department to begin the “I Can Skate,” summer skating program. Students will use skateboarding as a backdrop to learn the techniques of developing an idea from creation to commercialization. As students matriculate through this process, they will experience a full range of entrepreneurial processes, including techniques of motion science, design technology, engineering, and mathematics. 
The program will kick off with motivational speaker, Coach Jason Dixon – The Greatness Coach, Monday, June 12 at the Frederick Douglass Community Center on Indiana Avenue. Programming for the skateboard activities will occur on Tues and Thurs throughout the summer from 4 – 6pm at the Frederick Douglass Center. For more information contact Josh Cunningham at 419-297-1028.

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